Friday, April 8, 2016

This is my first post! I started the Fast Metabolism Diet on March 14th, 2016. This is not like any other plan I have tried before and I should know because I have tried everything! In the past I have gone to one extreme diet to the next. Pretty much always hungry and working out like crazy! I managed to force my body to lose weight and then eventually gain it all back. So frustrating! I finally got to the point where I stopped everything and just ate what I wanted. That brought me to my highest weight ever! I was so miserable, severely depressed and I was so ready for a change. The problem was I couldn't find anything out there that wasn't just another diet that restricted calories, had to weigh your food, count calories and overall work your butt off at the gym.
Until.... one day when a friend of mine told me about this new plan she was doing. When she told me it was called the Fast Metabolism Diet I didn't think I would want to do it because all I heard was the work DIET!
So glad I got the book and realized this is not like a regular diet. It has you eating a ton of  healthy food. So much food that I have never felt hungry! The way the plan is laid out it makes you have a variety of grains, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats that I am never bored.
So far I have lost almost 15 lbs! I feel like I have hope again and I am moving in the right direction. I eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full. I do not have crazy cravings for junk food like I used to. Instead I crave grapefruit, avocados and hummus! Very different then my old lifestyle. I used to get tired so easily and now I have mounds of energy to spare.